Sunday, July 24, 2005

Children of the New World Conference ... September 18, 2005

Llewellyn & Juliana will be officially launching their new 'Crystal Child' album at the
Bedford conference with Sandra Sedgbeer - Editor of international magazine,
Children of the New Earth. 9:00 - 9:30 (registration) 9:30 - 6:00pm

They will be performing their new song 'Crystal Child' at the Children of the
New World Conference, 18th September 2005, Bedford Moat House Hotel. Children of
the New World - South of England Tour - is supporting the Earth Angel Charity
set up by Llewellyn and Juliana and aims to help the indigo and crystal children
of the world.

More details here:

Angels by Sharae is listed as one of the Resources for Crystal & Indigo Children in the
16 page valuable information CD sleeve

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Today's Children-Indigos, the Whatever Generation

Today's Children-Indigos, the Whatever Generation

by Jennifer Hoffman

This generation is known by many names, including Indigo and Crystal Children, Star Children, Light Children. Whatever name they are known by, they are a generation that we have never seen before and they have special needs, gifts and talents. The Crystal and Indigo children represent the new, higher energetic patterns that are arriving to change the Earth's vibrational frequency.This new series provides information on these children and the wonderful gifts they bring to the world.

There is an expression that many Indigos today use. It's 'whatever', said with a certain intonation and look that implies, 'I don't care,' I'm not going to get involved in this,' 'This is not important to me,' or 'it's not my problem.' As an Indigo parent, hearing 'whatever' used to make me so angry because I couldn't argue with it and saw it as a dismissal of our conversation, which it was. Many parents take it to mean that these children are being disrespectful, not interested in what is going on around them, aren't willing to get involved and that's partly what they are telling us. What they really mean by 'whatever' is that it is not important, it doesn't matter because they know, through their innate spiritual understanding, that it doesn't matter at all. They know that they can choose what they focus their emotional energy and intention on and that what others think about that is not important. They know, and are one of the first generations to know, that they don't have to be part of others' reality and that their potential is unlimited and that's a powerful understanding.

'Whatever' has the same meaning today as 'groovy' did in the 1960s. It is the Indigo generation's answer to the pressure to conform, to be what others want them to be and do what's expected of them. They know that the social paradigms have changed and that there is no reward for conformity. What's different today is that they are more worldly, more knowledgeable than previous generations. And they have more intuitive knowledge at their disposal than we give them credit for. If you'll notice when they use the expression, a pattern will become very obvious. Try to get an Indigo to do something that they don't want to do, or to force them to see things your way, 'whatever' may be their response. It's not always meant to be disrespectful, it's their way of telling us that they aren't buying into our argument and more than that, that they aren't interested in arguing about it either.

Perhaps more of us should follow the Indigo's examples and take a 'whatever' approach to life. It can possibly open us to other possibilities, to prevent us from becoming involved in life's details and take a bigger picture view of life. 'Whatever' can become our new mantra when we realize that 'whatever' is possible-and anything is possible, a potential reality, in the Indigo view of life. Something in their life isn't working, 'whatever,' it's not worth getting all worked up over because something else will turn up. And it always does. The Indigos know that whatever is happening today will be different tomorrow and that it is not worth their effort to become fixated on anything in particular, especially if that means buying into someone else's view of reality. Maybe 'whatever' isn't such a bad thing and if we're to understand and work with the Indigo energy, then we will have to understand that 'whatever' can be a good thing. Even adult Indigos, who have a similar approach to life as today's Indigo children, can benefit from taking a 'whatever' approach occasionally. It will remove the pressure to conform, the reactionary approach to life and open the door to unlimited possibilities. It may cause a few eyebrows to raise in surprise, but it will give us time to breathe, to relax and to step out of the frenzy for a while and just take a break and do 'whatever' we want. When life throws us a curve ball, we can learn from the Indigos and just say 'whatever' and know that something else will turn up. And it always does.

About the author:

Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.

Article Copyright © 2005 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Indigo and Crystal Children - Angel Artist Given New Assignment

Indigo and Crystal Children - Angel Artist Given New Assignment

Internationally renowned Angel artist, Sharae Taylor, of Angels by Sharae ( announced today her New Assignment is "Angels for the Indigo Child and the Crystal Child". Art for a New Age

(PRWEB) May 3, 2005 -- Sharae has had a strong affinity to the Indigo Children for quite some time. She personally, has a grandson that fits all the criteria for the Indigo child. He is gifted, talented and possesses a warrior Spirit. As Sharae began to understand more about the true purpose in the Indigo child being here on Earth, she realized how very crucial it is for us to support the Indigo child. A light to keep burning, their specialness needs to be recognized and accepted, their spirits calmed, balanced and restored and exalted...for they are our future. They are the wayshowers and the wayclearers for the Crystal child that is now coming in behind them...the gentle spirits. The Crystal child is also sensitive and easily recognized by their happy spirit and the all knowing large eyes characteristic of these little ones. These Crystal children also need their spirits calmed, balanced and restored on a daily basis. Music and Art is a must in their environment. Gentle beauty and peacefulness is like fertilizer to the garden for these two special types of children.

As always, Sharae is delegated by her inner knowingness and her connection to the Angels that now is the time for their help to manifest in the physical reality for these children through her Angel paintings. Sharae has been instructed these children have an additional Angel assigned to them at birth in addition to the Guardian Angel we all have. This Angel watches over them and assures their spirit of the importance of their life's mission at this particular time in our planet's evolution. This physical likeness of their Angel helps to stabilize their personalities and is recommended the Angel painting be hung in the room where they sleep and recharge from the day's stress of everyday living. These paintings all have a specific purpose and are completely individualized for each Indigo child, Crystal child and Indigo teen and Indigo Adult.

"To calm, balance and restore their energies ... is why I have been given this new type of Angel paintings.They are instilled with and bring the energies of the additional Angel that has been assigned to these special children. These paintings are created in the traditional way that I have always been instructed to paint my Angel paintings, but there is a new twist added to the Angel paintings for the Indigo and Crystal Children ...many additional layers of paints and glazes are added to these paintings requiring drying time between each level.These paintings reach a new depth that I hasn't been brought forth until now ... as I experience more and more of these paintings I will be able to share with you the additional information I gain and am given ... I fully trust these paintings are what they claim to be from the witnessing I have been able to see of the paintings I have actually been able to place in the individual's hand for whom the painting was intended and first hand see and feel their reaction ... I will keep you updated." stated Sharae.

"Sharae is a fantastic Intuitive Angelic Medium where she is bringing through messages from the Angels in her paintings to help uplift humanity. I know from having spoken with her many times on what she "sees" and the energies that swirl around her, that she is, in fact, bringing a healing balm to the many souls that want a feeling of Angelic presence, and inner peace. She works from the heart center, and cares deeply about uplifting humanity. This, I have found, is one of her greatest motivations, and as a result, her work is entirely inspiring and uplifting, as well as beautifully filled with Angelic messages and energy. Both she and her work are treasures." ... Barbara Rose, Editor, Inspire! magazine (

Sharae Taylor is a highly collectible and sought after internationally well known intuitive Angel artist on a passionate spiritual journey whose paintings are in world wide collections. Her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey , Donna Terody Sheratan, Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. She has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors, Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel".Sharae's Angels were currently featured in the February issue of the online magazine, Planet ( sister site to ( and is featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD in the United Kingdom, produced by Llewellyn ( for New World Music (

Sharae's Angels and the new Angels for the Indigo Child and Crystal Child can be seen at her extensive gallery website

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© Sharae Taylor

Full permission for reprint provided content and links are left unchanged.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Today's Children-The Confused Indigos, Part 2

Today's Children-The Confused Indigos, Part 2


The new article on today's children is now available on the website. This generation is known by many names, including Indigo and Crystal Children, Star Children, Light Children. Whatever name they are known by, they are a generation that we have never seen before and they have special needs, gifts and talents. The Crystal and Indigo children represent the new, higher energetic patterns that are arriving to change the Earth's vibrational frequency.This new series provides information on these children and the wonderful gifts they bring to the world.If today's Indigos seem unmotivated and unable (or unwilling) to find purpose and direction in their lives, it may come from their upbringing. Not that their parents were necessarily bad parents, but Indigos were parented by a generation who were determined to not repeat the mistakes of their parents and to give their children everything that they lacked as children. So the parents worked hard, sacrificed and ensured that their children had all of the love and opportunities that they could provide, as well as all of the material things that they never had. What has come from the parents' efforts is a generation that has everything that they could possibly want, and more. They have more money than their parents ever did, are well traveled, well dressed, well educated and more global than any other generation. So why are they finding it so hard to make their entrance into the world?
For all of their wonderful energy, Indigos can easily step into complacency-in plain words, they can be lazy. They know what they're capable of, they know their strengths and what is possible for them but they often choose to do nothing. Part of that is fear, they are afraid of making wrong or bad choices, so they make no choice. They are also a generation that has been put under extreme pressure to perform and succeed. Today's young adult Indigos are the children of the 1980s and 1990s, who were educated in language, art, music, dance and literature before they ever started kindergarten! Even the school systems, during the last 20 years, put tremendous pressure on these children to succeed. Now, they are a generation that appears to be burned out on success because they have had so much of it. And unappreciative because they have always had everything. What is next?
Understanding that a large part of their lack of motivation comes from fear of failure is one way to help Indigos start moving into adulthood. Acknowledging that we don't or won't judge their mistakes, or them, is another, as is talking to them about their worries and allowing them to be less confident, capable and successful than we may have led them to believe that we wanted. Indigos tend to have better relationships with their parents when they are older and the need to reconnect seems to be very strong now. Some Indigos who were highly successful earlier in their lives, are simply burned out on success. Some are afraid that they will not have the material success that their parents provided, so they choose to stay at home, where they're comfortable. But while we have to give them some leeway, we can't believe that they will get out of this by themselves, as previous generations would have, because they seem to be unable to muster the energy to do that. With our help, though, they can. We can help them find their passion and direction by being supportive but insistent, loving but disciplined and reflecting in our own lives the acceptance, joy and abundance that we are here to teach them.

Copyright (c) 2004 -5 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

© Jennifer Hoffman ~

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Indigo and Crystal Children - Angel Artist Given New Assignment

Internationally renowned Angel artist, Sharae Taylor, of Angels by Sharae ( announced today her New Assignment is "Angels for the Indigo Child and the Crystal Child". Art for a New Age

(PRWEB) May 3, 2005 -- Sharae has had a strong affinity to the Indigo Children for quite some time. She personally, has a grandson that fits all the criteria for the Indigo child. He is gifted, talented and possesses a warrior Spirit. As Sharae began to understand more about the true purpose in the Indigo child being here on Earth, she realized how very crucial it is for us to support the Indigo child. A light to keep burning, their specialness needs to be recognized and accepted, their spirits calmed, balanced and restored and exalted...for they are our future. They are the wayshowers and the wayclearers for the Crystal child that is now coming in behind them...the gentle spirits. The Crystal child is also sensitive and easily recognized by their happy spirit and the all knowing large eyes characteristic of these little ones. These Crystal children also need their spirits calmed, balanced and restored on a daily basis. Music and Art is a must in their environment. Gentle beauty and peacefulness is like fertilizer to the garden for these two special types of children.

As always, Sharae is delegated by her inner knowingness and her connection to the Angels that now is the time for their help to manifest in the physical reality for these children through her Angel paintings. Sharae has been instructed these children have an additional Angel assigned to them at birth in addition to the Guardian Angel we all have. This Angel watches over them and assures their spirit of the importance of their life's mission at this particular time in our planet's evolution. This physical likeness of their Angel helps to stabilize their personalities and is recommended the Angel painting be hung in the room where they sleep and recharge from the day's stress of everyday living. These paintings all have a specific purpose and are completely individualized for each Indigo child, Crystal child and Indigo teen and Indigo Adult.

"To calm, balance and restore their energies ... is why I have been given this new type of Angel paintings.They are instilled with and bring the energies of the additional Angel that has been assigned to these special children. These paintings are created in the traditional way that I have always been instructed to paint my Angel paintings, but there is a new twist added to the Angel paintings for the Indigo and Crystal Children ...many additional layers of paints and glazes are added to these paintings requiring drying time between each level.These paintings reach a new depth that I hasn't been brought forth until now ... as I experience more and more of these paintings I will be able to share with you the additional information I gain and am given ... I fully trust these paintings are what they claim to be from the witnessing I have been able to see of the paintings I have actually been able to place in the individual's hand for whom the painting was intended and first hand see and feel their reaction ... I will keep you updated." stated Sharae.

"Sharae is a fantastic Intuitive Angelic Medium where she is bringing through messages from the Angels in her paintings to help uplift humanity. I know from having spoken with her many times on what she "sees" and the energies that swirl around her, that she is, in fact, bringing a healing balm to the many souls that want a feeling of Angelic presence, and inner peace. She works from the heart center, and cares deeply about uplifting humanity. This, I have found, is one of her greatest motivations, and as a result, her work is entirely inspiring and uplifting, as well as beautifully filled with Angelic messages and energy. Both she and her work are treasures." ...
Barbara Rose, Editor, Inspire! magazine (

Sharae Taylor is a highly collectible and sought after internationally well known intuitive Angel artist on a passionate spiritual journey whose paintings are in world wide collections. Her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey , Donna Terody Sheratan, Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. She has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors, Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel".

Sharae's Angels were currently featured in the February issue of the online magazine, Planet ( sister site to ( and is featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD in the United Kingdom, produced by Llewellyn ( for New World Music (

Sharae's Angels and the new Angels for the Indigo Child and Crystal Child can be seen at her extensive gallery website

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© Sharae Taylor

Please feel free to copy for distribution as long as all text and links are kept intact. Appreciate copy sent to if and how used.

New & UpComing Blog for the Indigo Child

Intuitive Angel Artist, Sharae Taylor announces today a new blog for the Indigo Child. Keeping it updated with new and interesting articles for the Indigo Child development and of special interest to those who are now getting involved with helping these special children.