Today's Children-Indigos, the Whatever Generation
by Jennifer Hoffman
This generation is known by many names, including Indigo and Crystal Children, Star Children, Light Children. Whatever name they are known by, they are a generation that we have never seen before and they have special needs, gifts and talents. The Crystal and Indigo children represent the new, higher energetic patterns that are arriving to change the Earth's vibrational frequency.This new series provides information on these children and the wonderful gifts they bring to the world.
There is an expression that many Indigos today use. It's 'whatever', said with a certain intonation and look that implies, 'I don't care,' I'm not going to get involved in this,' 'This is not important to me,' or 'it's not my problem.' As an Indigo parent, hearing 'whatever' used to make me so angry because I couldn't argue with it and saw it as a dismissal of our conversation, which it was. Many parents take it to mean that these children are being disrespectful, not interested in what is going on around them, aren't willing to get involved and that's partly what they are telling us. What they really mean by 'whatever' is that it is not important, it doesn't matter because they know, through their innate spiritual understanding, that it doesn't matter at all. They know that they can choose what they focus their emotional energy and intention on and that what others think about that is not important. They know, and are one of the first generations to know, that they don't have to be part of others' reality and that their potential is unlimited and that's a powerful understanding.
'Whatever' has the same meaning today as 'groovy' did in the 1960s. It is the Indigo generation's answer to the pressure to conform, to be what others want them to be and do what's expected of them. They know that the social paradigms have changed and that there is no reward for conformity. What's different today is that they are more worldly, more knowledgeable than previous generations. And they have more intuitive knowledge at their disposal than we give them credit for. If you'll notice when they use the expression, a pattern will become very obvious. Try to get an Indigo to do something that they don't want to do, or to force them to see things your way, 'whatever' may be their response. It's not always meant to be disrespectful, it's their way of telling us that they aren't buying into our argument and more than that, that they aren't interested in arguing about it either.
Perhaps more of us should follow the Indigo's examples and take a 'whatever' approach to life. It can possibly open us to other possibilities, to prevent us from becoming involved in life's details and take a bigger picture view of life. 'Whatever' can become our new mantra when we realize that 'whatever' is possible-and anything is possible, a potential reality, in the Indigo view of life. Something in their life isn't working, 'whatever,' it's not worth getting all worked up over because something else will turn up. And it always does. The Indigos know that whatever is happening today will be different tomorrow and that it is not worth their effort to become fixated on anything in particular, especially if that means buying into someone else's view of reality. Maybe 'whatever' isn't such a bad thing and if we're to understand and work with the Indigo energy, then we will have to understand that 'whatever' can be a good thing. Even adult Indigos, who have a similar approach to life as today's Indigo children, can benefit from taking a 'whatever' approach occasionally. It will remove the pressure to conform, the reactionary approach to life and open the door to unlimited possibilities. It may cause a few eyebrows to raise in surprise, but it will give us time to breathe, to relax and to step out of the frenzy for a while and just take a break and do 'whatever' we want. When life throws us a curve ball, we can learn from the Indigos and just say 'whatever' and know that something else will turn up. And it always does.
About the author:
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.
http://www.urielheals.comArticle Copyright © 2005 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.