Indigos and The Little Things
There is a new generation of children in the world and they are known by many names, including Indigo and Crystal Children, Star Children, Light Children. Whatever name they are known by, they are a generation that we have never seen before and they have special needs, gifts and talents. The Crystal and Indigo children represent the new, higher energetic patterns that are arriving to change the Earth's vibrational frequency.This new series provides information on these children and the wonderful gifts they bring to the world. Along with their special gifts and talents, they also have certain needs and the purpose of this series is to help them and their parents find solutions to these needs so that Indigos and Crystals can do the work that they came here to do.
As a single parent, I never had a lot of money when my children were young so they didn't have as many toys and games that other children had. My children have never been to Disneyland or on a cruise but we did take vacations together every year that they still remember fondly. We didn't live in a fancy house and rarely went out to dinner. But their friends were always welcome and we ate dinner together every night. And my children think that they were very lucky and blessed and had a great childhood. Indigos appreciate the little things in life, the things that we do for them from the heart, the things that really matter. They can be materialistic so they definitely appreciate money and all that it can buy. But it is the little things that we do for them that they appreciate and remember.
I have written that my Indigo son's friends were always at our house for dinner because we ate together. They appreciated the opportunity to sit together and eat, something they rarely did with their parents. They thought that my son had a lot, although we lived more modestly than most of them. And my son thought that he had it much better than they did because I was there when he needed me. He said I embarrassed him by putting little notes in his lunch but when I missed a day, he asked me where his note was. And it surprises me to hear my children talk about the wonderful Christmas celebrates they remember, although they never received a lot of presents.
The world has so much to offer in the way of material goods today and we can believe that we must give our children more and more in order to make them happy. Indigos are very materialistic and their appetite for material goods can be insatiable. But the material items cannot replace the non-material things that we can give our Indigo children, our time, attention, love and affection. These little things mean far more to them than anything that we can buy for them. Each little thing that we do for them reminds them that there is a place where they are loved and safe, where they can just be themselves and with someone who cares enough to do special things for them. Although they know that we love them, they need to be reminded by the little things that we can do for them, things that may cost very little money but whose value is priceless. When they look back on their childhood, it is the little things that they will remember and thank us for because they made them feel loved, appreciated and special. Now, as many of them are young adults, the little things are still important to them. They need to know that we are still there for them (although many of them still live at home) and will do the little things that make them happy and feel special.
Jennifer Hoffman
Article Copyright © 2005, 2006. by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
Brought to You by "Angels by Sharae"
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